My journey into Warmachine has been a winding road. I started off playing 40k back in 1992 during the Rogue Trader days. The stone age of Warhammer. Army lists were scattered and hard to interpret, the models were a shadow of what they are now and most of our games came down to a wounded Avatar shredding the last couple predator tanks for the win. Since then I had stuck with 40k through thick and thin. Many editions have come and gone (although the skeleton of the rules is basically the same). I played hundreds of games, owned more plastic than I care to admit, and unfortunately witnessed a lot of negative changes in the way GW does business.
Within the last few months I felt my passion for 40k start to fade. The nerfing of my beloved Tyranids didn't help, but I'm not sure if I'll ever be able to put my finger on it. I actually bought The Butcher of Khardov and Epic Nemo before I ever started playing becasue I liked the models so much. In fact I actually put the Butcher on ebay at one point and he didn't sell. So finally I broke down and painted him. He turned out so great that I wanted to get him on the table. But I didn't have anybody to play with yet. I mentioned to a couple local buddies that I was thinking about starting Warmachine (this was right around MK 2 release). At first I didn't really think it had taken affect on them, but about a week later one of them called me back and said he had ordered a bunch of Retribution stuff and even bought some painted stuff from ebay. Thus the first shot was fired. Now, I play Khador, and 2 of my buddies play Cryx and Retribution. I sold my Dark Elves and Imperial Guard on ebay. We haven't played anything else since...and we are loving it!
I hope to use this blog as a creative motivator for myself and to chronicle battle reports that we have locally.